Monday, November 14, 2005

"Deeply Saddened"

Dear Mr Bernie Gillespie, I have put "deeply saddened" in the subject heading because that is how reading your "testimony" has made me feel. I felt a sorrow for you the whole time I was reading it. I feel sorrow for you and for your family. And for the members of your church who must be mourning for you right now.

My name is _____ _____, I attend the UPCI church in __________. It is a daughter work of the ___________ church where I used to attend. My youth pastors in that church were greatly respected and the youth adored them. Including myself. I was very deeply hurt when I found out that they were given a "revelation" from God that what we were preaching is not right and that they didn't have to do what they'd been doing and that life didn't have to be so "difficult". They no longer go to a church at all, they are hurting and trying to fulfill the emptiness with alcohol and tasteless music. Because God never really did give them that revelation. If we aren't careful we may think that we are being spoken to by God, but we are quickly deceived and listen to the wrong voices. If satan knows we are vulnerable that is when he will make us question our faith. And he will use whatever it takes to do so. Whether it be a trip to the holy land or simply deciding that this way of life is "unnecessary" He did it to me once through Greek Mythology. We must be careful.

I am deeply bothered at what you said in your testimony, "Before I had to go to great lengths to explain how these passages really did not mean what the obvious reader could see they did mean". I have been in church 8 years, and have never had to do that. The thing is (and being a previous bible school teacher you should know this) is that you do have to look farther into it than what it simply says. For example the Bible tells us that God wants us to be perfect. So should we take that as it is and say that we will never be saved because no one will ever obtain perfection? no, we can't do that because then we would be taking the word out of context when you look at the strongs original meaning of the word perfect, it simply means complete. whole. that's all, if we were to take it as it "simply says" we would think we had to be flawless.

You are right we are saved by grace and faith, but that is not all. You can't just take one thing out of the bible and decide that's all there is to it. There is more to it than that. But it's easier to think that's it. It sounds to me from what you are interpreting that it was YOUR personal views that were prideful and self righteous and it sounds as though you are blaming that on the upci but the upci is not prideful and self righteous, though it has members that are as in any church. I thank God that my pastor does not just read us the Bible. He does in depth studies into the meanings of the words so that we really do understand it from the original greek and hebrew texts. I also do studies as such and do not come across things that are contrary to upci doctrine.

As for your conclusion "If I am wrong God have mercy on me, If I am right...what will be your response, my brothers and sisters?" First of all, you are wrong and deep down you know it. You do not fully believe what you are teaching now, there is no way you possibly can when you know truth.

Secondly, I don't have to worry about "if" you are right. The simple fact that you say "If" you are right, and "if you are wrong shows that you are unsure. I don't think for one second what my respose would be if you are right because I know you are not, because I read and study the scriptures to show myself approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed RIGHTLY dividing the word of truth. I hope God does have mercy on you, for not only have you left truth but you have led your wife and your very own children that God blessed you with into the wrong path. I pray you come to a realization real soon and come back to truth b4 it is too late. we don't have time to play games and I find it a shame to lead people so close and know the real thing is out there and keep it from them. and actually teach against it. I am adding you to my prayer list and your wife and children.

My prayers are with you,


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